Class: module:api/OrderSearchApi


new module:api/OrderSearchApi(apiClient)

Constructs a new OrderSearchApi.

Name Type Description
apiClient module:ApiClient

Optional API client implementation to use, default to module:ApiClient#instance if unspecified.



postOrderSearch(body) → {Promise}

Searches for orders. The query attribute specifies a complex query that can be used to narrow down the search. Note that search fields are mandatory now and no default ones are supported. As the old order search version, the new one always uses Search Service too and the for that reason Order Incremental Indexing should be enabled. Otherwise HTTP 500 response will occur. The supported search fields are: affiliate_partner_i_d affiliate_partner_name business_type channel_type confirmation_status (String) created_by creation_date currency_code customer_email customer_name customer_no export_after export_status (String) external_order_no external_order_status global_party_id last_modified order_no original_order_no payment_status (String) replaced_order_no replacement_order_no shipping_status (String) status (String) total_gross_price total_net_price order.has_holds coupon_line_items.coupon_code coupon_line_items.coupon_id holds.type invoices.status order_items.status payment_instruments.credit_card_type payment_instruments.payment_method_id product_items.product_id return_cases.return_case_number shipments.shipping_method_id shipping_orders.shipping_order_number The sort order of the retrieved orders could be specified by the "sorts" parameter. It is a list of objects presenting field name and sort direction ("asc" or "desc"). Custom attributes could be used as search fields and as sort fields too. A prefix "c_" has to be added to them.

Name Type Description
body module:models/OrderSearchRequest

postOrderSearchWithHttpInfo(body) → {Promise}

Searches for orders. The query attribute specifies a complex query that can be used to narrow down the search. Note that search fields are mandatory now and no default ones are supported. As the old order search version, the new one always uses Search Service too and the for that reason Order Incremental Indexing should be enabled. Otherwise HTTP 500 response will occur. The supported search fields are: affiliate_partner_i_d affiliate_partner_name business_type channel_type confirmation_status (String) created_by creation_date currency_code customer_email customer_name customer_no export_after export_status (String) external_order_no external_order_status global_party_id last_modified order_no original_order_no payment_status (String) replaced_order_no replacement_order_no shipping_status (String) status (String) total_gross_price total_net_price order.has_holds coupon_line_items.coupon_code coupon_line_items.coupon_id holds.type invoices.status order_items.status payment_instruments.credit_card_type payment_instruments.payment_method_id product_items.product_id return_cases.return_case_number shipments.shipping_method_id shipping_orders.shipping_order_number The sort order of the retrieved orders could be specified by the "sorts" parameter. It is a list of objects presenting field name and sort direction ("asc" or "desc"). Custom attributes could be used as search fields and as sort fields too. A prefix "c_" has to be added to them.

Name Type Description
body module:models/OrderSearchRequest

a Promise, with an object containing data of type module:models/OrderSearchResult and HTTP response
