Source: models/Basket.js

/* * *  *  * *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  * */
/* Copyright (c) 2020 Mobify Research & Development Inc. All rights reserved. */
/* * *  *  * *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  * */

 * Shop API
 * No description provided (generated by Swagger Codegen
 * OpenAPI spec version: 20.4
 * NOTE: This class is auto generated by the swagger code generator program.
 * Do not edit the class manually.

import ApiClient from '../ApiClient'
import BonusDiscountLineItem from './BonusDiscountLineItem'
import CouponItem from './CouponItem'
import CustomerInfo from './CustomerInfo'
import GiftCertificateItem from './GiftCertificateItem'
import OrderAddress from './OrderAddress'
import OrderPaymentInstrument from './OrderPaymentInstrument'
import PriceAdjustment from './PriceAdjustment'
import ProductItem from './ProductItem'
import Shipment from './Shipment'
import ShippingItem from './ShippingItem'
import SimpleLink from './SimpleLink'

* The Basket model module.
* @module models/Basket
* @version 20.4
export default class Basket {
    * Constructs a new <code>Basket</code>.
    * Document representing a basket.
    * @alias module:models/Basket
    * @class

    constructor() {


    * Constructs a <code>Basket</code> from a plain JavaScript object, optionally creating a new instance.
    * Copies all relevant properties from <code>data</code> to <code>obj</code> if supplied or a new instance if not.
    * @param {Object} data The plain JavaScript object bearing properties of interest.
    * @param {module:models/Basket} obj Optional instance to populate.
    * @return {module:models/Basket} The populated <code>Basket</code> instance.
    static constructFromObject(data, obj) {
        if (data) {
            obj = obj || new Basket()

            if (data.hasOwnProperty('adjusted_merchandize_total_tax')) {
                obj.adjusted_merchandize_total_tax = ApiClient.convertToType(data.adjusted_merchandize_total_tax, 'Number')
            if (data.hasOwnProperty('adjusted_shipping_total_tax')) {
                obj.adjusted_shipping_total_tax = ApiClient.convertToType(data.adjusted_shipping_total_tax, 'Number')
            if (data.hasOwnProperty('agent_basket')) {
                obj.agent_basket = ApiClient.convertToType(data.agent_basket, 'Boolean')
            if (data.hasOwnProperty('basket_id')) {
                obj.basket_id = ApiClient.convertToType(data.basket_id, 'String')
            if (data.hasOwnProperty('billing_address')) {
                obj.billing_address = OrderAddress.constructFromObject(data.billing_address)
            if (data.hasOwnProperty('bonus_discount_line_items')) {
                obj.bonus_discount_line_items = ApiClient.convertToType(data.bonus_discount_line_items, [BonusDiscountLineItem])
            if (data.hasOwnProperty('c_sessionAddressBook')) {
                obj.c_sessionAddressBook = ApiClient.convertToType(data.c_sessionAddressBook, 'String')
            if (data.hasOwnProperty('channel_type')) {
                obj.channel_type = ApiClient.convertToType(data.channel_type, 'String')
            if (data.hasOwnProperty('coupon_items')) {
                obj.coupon_items = ApiClient.convertToType(data.coupon_items, [CouponItem])
            if (data.hasOwnProperty('creation_date')) {
                obj.creation_date = ApiClient.convertToType(data.creation_date, 'Date')
            if (data.hasOwnProperty('currency')) {
                obj.currency = ApiClient.convertToType(data.currency, 'String')
            if (data.hasOwnProperty('customer_info')) {
                obj.customer_info = CustomerInfo.constructFromObject(data.customer_info)
            if (data.hasOwnProperty('gift_certificate_items')) {
                obj.gift_certificate_items = ApiClient.convertToType(data.gift_certificate_items, [GiftCertificateItem])
            if (data.hasOwnProperty('inventory_reservation_expiry')) {
                obj.inventory_reservation_expiry = ApiClient.convertToType(data.inventory_reservation_expiry, 'Date')
            if (data.hasOwnProperty('last_modified')) {
                obj.last_modified = ApiClient.convertToType(data.last_modified, 'Date')
            if (data.hasOwnProperty('merchandize_total_tax')) {
                obj.merchandize_total_tax = ApiClient.convertToType(data.merchandize_total_tax, 'Number')
            if (data.hasOwnProperty('notes')) {
                obj.notes = SimpleLink.constructFromObject(data.notes)
            if (data.hasOwnProperty('order_price_adjustments')) {
                obj.order_price_adjustments = ApiClient.convertToType(data.order_price_adjustments, [PriceAdjustment])
            if (data.hasOwnProperty('order_total')) {
                obj.order_total = ApiClient.convertToType(data.order_total, 'Number')
            if (data.hasOwnProperty('payment_instruments')) {
                obj.payment_instruments = ApiClient.convertToType(data.payment_instruments, [OrderPaymentInstrument])
            if (data.hasOwnProperty('product_items')) {
                obj.product_items = ApiClient.convertToType(data.product_items, [ProductItem])
            if (data.hasOwnProperty('product_sub_total')) {
                obj.product_sub_total = ApiClient.convertToType(data.product_sub_total, 'Number')
            if (data.hasOwnProperty('product_total')) {
                obj.product_total = ApiClient.convertToType(data.product_total, 'Number')
            if (data.hasOwnProperty('shipments')) {
                obj.shipments = ApiClient.convertToType(data.shipments, [Shipment])
            if (data.hasOwnProperty('shipping_items')) {
                obj.shipping_items = ApiClient.convertToType(data.shipping_items, [ShippingItem])
            if (data.hasOwnProperty('shipping_total')) {
                obj.shipping_total = ApiClient.convertToType(data.shipping_total, 'Number')
            if (data.hasOwnProperty('shipping_total_tax')) {
                obj.shipping_total_tax = ApiClient.convertToType(data.shipping_total_tax, 'Number')
            if (data.hasOwnProperty('source_code')) {
                obj.source_code = ApiClient.convertToType(data.source_code, 'String')
            if (data.hasOwnProperty('tax_total')) {
                obj.tax_total = ApiClient.convertToType(data.tax_total, 'Number')
            if (data.hasOwnProperty('taxation')) {
                obj.taxation = ApiClient.convertToType(data.taxation, 'String')
        return obj

     * The products tax after discounts applying in purchase currency.   Adjusted merchandize prices represent the sum of product prices before  services such as shipping have been added, but after adjustment from  promotions have been added.
     * @member {Number} adjusted_merchandize_total_tax
    adjusted_merchandize_total_tax = undefined;
    * The tax of all shipping line items of the line item container after  shipping adjustments have been applied.
    * @member {Number} adjusted_shipping_total_tax
    adjusted_shipping_total_tax = undefined;
    * Is the basket created by an agent?
    * @member {Boolean} agent_basket
    agent_basket = undefined;
    * The unique identifier for the basket.
    * @member {String} basket_id
    basket_id = undefined;
    * The billing address. This property is part of basket checkout information only.
    * @member {module:models/OrderAddress} billing_address
    billing_address = undefined;
    * The bonus discount line items of the line item container.
    * @member {Array.<module:models/BonusDiscountLineItem>} bonus_discount_line_items
    bonus_discount_line_items = undefined;
    * @member {String} c_sessionAddressBook
    c_sessionAddressBook = undefined;
    * The sales channel for the order.    This is a read-only attribute that can't be modified by an OCAPI call. For OCAPI, the sales channel is determined  based on the client ID and token used for the OCAPI call. Usually, a customer-based authentication sets the  channel to Storefront, and an agent-based authentication sets it to CallCenter. Using applications that use other  client IDs for OCAPI calls, like Customer Service Center, will set different channel types. To modify the channel  type in OCAPI, use a hook. *
    * @member {module:models/Basket.ChannelTypeEnum} channel_type
    channel_type = undefined;
    * The sorted array of coupon items. This array can be empty.
    * @member {Array.<module:models/CouponItem>} coupon_items
    coupon_items = undefined;
    * Returns the value of attribute 'creationDate'.
    * @member {Date} creation_date
    creation_date = undefined;
    * The ISO 4217 mnemonic code of the currency.
    * @member {String} currency
    currency = undefined;
    * The customer information for logged in customers. This property is part of basket checkout information only.
    * @member {module:models/CustomerInfo} customer_info
    customer_info = undefined;
    * The sorted array of gift certificate line items. This array can be empty.
    * @member {Array.<module:models/GiftCertificateItem>} gift_certificate_items
    gift_certificate_items = undefined;
    * @member {Date} inventory_reservation_expiry
    inventory_reservation_expiry = undefined;
    * Returns the value of attribute 'lastModified'.
    * @member {Date} last_modified
    last_modified = undefined;
    * The products total tax in purchase currency.   Merchandize total prices represent the sum of product prices before  services such as shipping or adjustment from promotions have  been added.
    * @member {Number} merchandize_total_tax
    merchandize_total_tax = undefined;
    * The notes for the line item container.
    * @member {module:models/SimpleLink} notes
    notes = undefined;
    * The array of order level price adjustments. This array can be empty.
    * @member {Array.<module:models/PriceAdjustment>} order_price_adjustments
    order_price_adjustments = undefined;
    * The total price of the order, including products, shipping and tax. This property is part of basket checkout  information only.
    * @member {Number} order_total
    order_total = undefined;
    * The payment instruments list for the order.
    * @member {Array.<module:models/OrderPaymentInstrument>} payment_instruments
    payment_instruments = undefined;
    * The sorted array of product items (up to a maximum of 50 items). This array can be empty.
    * @member {Array.<module:models/ProductItem>} product_items
    product_items = undefined;
    * The total price of all product items after all product discounts.  Depending on taxation policy the returned price is net or gross.
    * @member {Number} product_sub_total
    product_sub_total = undefined;
    * The total price of all product items after all product and order discounts.  Depending on taxation policy the returned price is net or gross.
    * @member {Number} product_total
    product_total = undefined;
    * The array of shipments. This property is part of basket checkout information only.
    * @member {Array.<module:models/Shipment>} shipments
    shipments = undefined;
    * The sorted array of shipping items. This array can be empty.
    * @member {Array.<module:models/ShippingItem>} shipping_items
    shipping_items = undefined;
    * The total shipping price of the order after all shipping discounts. Excludes tax if taxation policy is net. Includes  tax if taxation policy is gross. This property is part of basket checkout information only.
    * @member {Number} shipping_total
    shipping_total = undefined;
    * The tax of all shipping line items of the line item container before  shipping adjustments have been applied.
    * @member {Number} shipping_total_tax
    shipping_total_tax = undefined;
    * Gets the source code assigned to this basket.
    * @member {String} source_code
    source_code = undefined;
    * The total tax amount of the order. This property is part of basket checkout information only.
    * @member {Number} tax_total
    tax_total = undefined;
    * The taxation the line item container is based on.
    * @member {module:models/Basket.TaxationEnum} taxation
    taxation = undefined;

    * Allowed values for the <code>channel_type</code> property.
    * @enum {String}
    * @readonly
    static ChannelTypeEnum = {

         * value: "storefront"
         * @const
        storefront: 'storefront',

         * value: "callcenter"
         * @const
        callcenter: 'callcenter',

         * value: "marketplace"
         * @const
        marketplace: 'marketplace',

         * value: "dss"
         * @const
        dss: 'dss',

         * value: "store"
         * @const
        store: 'store',

         * value: "pinterest"
         * @const
        pinterest: 'pinterest',

         * value: "twitter"
         * @const
        twitter: 'twitter',

         * value: "facebookads"
         * @const
        facebookads: 'facebookads',

         * value: "subscriptions"
         * @const
        subscriptions: 'subscriptions',

         * value: "onlinereservation"
         * @const
        onlinereservation: 'onlinereservation',

         * value: "customerservicecenter"
         * @const
        customerservicecenter: 'customerservicecenter',

         * value: "instagramcommerce"
         * @const
        instagramcommerce: 'instagramcommerce'

    * Allowed values for the <code>taxation</code> property.
    * @enum {String}
    * @readonly
    static TaxationEnum = {

         * value: "gross"
         * @const
        gross: 'gross',

         * value: "net"
         * @const
        net: 'net'
