Source: api/ProductsApi.js

/* * *  *  * *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  * */
/* Copyright (c) 2020 Mobify Research & Development Inc. All rights reserved. */
/* * *  *  * *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  * */

 * Shop API
 * No description provided (generated by Swagger Codegen
 * OpenAPI spec version: 20.4
 * NOTE: This class is auto generated by the swagger code generator program.
 * Do not edit the class manually.

import ApiClient from '../ApiClient'
import Product from '../models/Product'
import ProductResult from '../models/ProductResult'
import ShippingMethodResult from '../models/ShippingMethodResult'

* Products service.
* @module api/ProductsApi
* @version 20.4
export default class ProductsApi {

    * Constructs a new ProductsApi.
    * @alias module:api/ProductsApi
    * @class
    * @param {module:ApiClient} apiClient Optional API client implementation to use,
    * default to {@link module:ApiClient#instance} if unspecified.
    constructor(apiClient) {
        this.apiClient = apiClient || ApiClient.instance

     * To access single products resource, you construct a URL using the template shown below. This template requires  you to specify an Id (typically a SKU) for a product. In response, the server returns a corresponding Product  document, provided the product is online and assigned to site catalog. The document contains variation attributes  (including values) and the variant matrix; this data is provided for both the master and for the variant.
     * @param {String} id The id of the requested product.
     * @param {Object} opts Optional parameters
     * @param {Array.<String>} opts.expand
     * @param {Array.<String>} opts.inventoryIds
     * @param {String} opts.currency
     * @param {String} opts.locale
     * @param {Boolean} opts.allImages
     * @return {Promise} a {@link|Promise}, with an object containing data of type {@link module:models/Product} and HTTP response
    getProductsByIDWithHttpInfo(id, opts) {
        opts = opts || {}
        const postBody = null

        // verify the required parameter 'id' is set
        if (id === undefined || id === null) {
            throw new Error('Missing the required parameter \'id\' when calling getProductsByID')

        const pathParams = {
        const queryParams = {
            expand: this.apiClient.buildCollectionParam(opts.expand, 'csv'),
            inventory_ids: this.apiClient.buildCollectionParam(opts.inventoryIds, 'csv'),
            currency: opts.currency,
            locale: opts.locale,
            all_images: opts.allImages
        const headerParams = {
        const formParams = {

        const authNames = ['client_id', 'customers_auth']
        const contentTypes = ['application/json', 'text/xml', 'application/xml']
        const accepts = ['application/json', 'text/xml', 'application/xml']
        const returnType = Product

        return this.apiClient.callApi(
            '/products/{id}', 'GET',
            pathParams, queryParams, headerParams, formParams, postBody,
            authNames, contentTypes, accepts, returnType

     * To access single products resource, you construct a URL using the template shown below. This template requires  you to specify an Id (typically a SKU) for a product. In response, the server returns a corresponding Product  document, provided the product is online and assigned to site catalog. The document contains variation attributes  (including values) and the variant matrix; this data is provided for both the master and for the variant.
     * @param {String} id The id of the requested product.
     * @param {Object} opts Optional parameters
     * @param {Array.<String>} opts.expand
     * @param {Array.<String>} opts.inventoryIds
     * @param {String} opts.currency
     * @param {String} opts.locale
     * @param {Boolean} opts.allImages
     * @return {Promise} a {@link|Promise}, with data of type {@link module:models/Product}
    getProductsByID(id, opts) {
        return this.getProductsByIDWithHttpInfo(id, opts)
            .then((response_and_data) => {

     * Access product availability information of products that are online and assigned to site catalog.
     * @param {String} id The requested product id.
     * @param {Object} opts Optional parameters
     * @param {Array.<String>} opts.inventoryIds
     * @param {String} opts.locale
     * @return {Promise} a {@link|Promise}, with an object containing data of type {@link module:models/Product} and HTTP response
    getProductsByIDAvailabilityWithHttpInfo(id, opts) {
        opts = opts || {}
        const postBody = null

        // verify the required parameter 'id' is set
        if (id === undefined || id === null) {
            throw new Error('Missing the required parameter \'id\' when calling getProductsByIDAvailability')

        const pathParams = {
        const queryParams = {
            inventory_ids: this.apiClient.buildCollectionParam(opts.inventoryIds, 'csv'),
            locale: opts.locale
        const headerParams = {
        const formParams = {

        const authNames = ['client_id', 'customers_auth']
        const contentTypes = ['application/json', 'text/xml', 'application/xml']
        const accepts = ['application/json', 'text/xml', 'application/xml']
        const returnType = Product

        return this.apiClient.callApi(
            '/products/{id}/availability', 'GET',
            pathParams, queryParams, headerParams, formParams, postBody,
            authNames, contentTypes, accepts, returnType

     * Access product availability information of products that are online and assigned to site catalog.
     * @param {String} id The requested product id.
     * @param {Object} opts Optional parameters
     * @param {Array.<String>} opts.inventoryIds
     * @param {String} opts.locale
     * @return {Promise} a {@link|Promise}, with data of type {@link module:models/Product}
    getProductsByIDAvailability(id, opts) {
        return this.getProductsByIDAvailabilityWithHttpInfo(id, opts)
            .then((response_and_data) => {

     * Access bundled product information of products that are online and assigned to site catalog.
     * @param {String} id The requested product id.
     * @param {Object} opts Optional parameters
     * @param {String} opts.locale
     * @return {Promise} a {@link|Promise}, with an object containing data of type {@link module:models/Product} and HTTP response
    getProductsByIDBundledProductsWithHttpInfo(id, opts) {
        opts = opts || {}
        const postBody = null

        // verify the required parameter 'id' is set
        if (id === undefined || id === null) {
            throw new Error('Missing the required parameter \'id\' when calling getProductsByIDBundledProducts')

        const pathParams = {
        const queryParams = {
            locale: opts.locale
        const headerParams = {
        const formParams = {

        const authNames = ['client_id', 'customers_auth']
        const contentTypes = ['application/json', 'text/xml', 'application/xml']
        const accepts = ['application/json', 'text/xml', 'application/xml']
        const returnType = Product

        return this.apiClient.callApi(
            '/products/{id}/bundled_products', 'GET',
            pathParams, queryParams, headerParams, formParams, postBody,
            authNames, contentTypes, accepts, returnType

     * Access bundled product information of products that are online and assigned to site catalog.
     * @param {String} id The requested product id.
     * @param {Object} opts Optional parameters
     * @param {String} opts.locale
     * @return {Promise} a {@link|Promise}, with data of type {@link module:models/Product}
    getProductsByIDBundledProducts(id, opts) {
        return this.getProductsByIDBundledProductsWithHttpInfo(id, opts)
            .then((response_and_data) => {

     * Access product image information of products that are online and assigned to site catalog. Filter the result by  view type and variation values.
     * @param {String} id The requested product id.
     * @param {Object} opts Optional parameters
     * @param {Array.<String>} opts.viewType
     * @param {Boolean} opts.allImages
     * @param {String} opts.variationAttribute
     * @param {String} opts.locale
     * @return {Promise} a {@link|Promise}, with an object containing data of type {@link module:models/Product} and HTTP response
    getProductsByIDImagesWithHttpInfo(id, opts) {
        opts = opts || {}
        const postBody = null

        // verify the required parameter 'id' is set
        if (id === undefined || id === null) {
            throw new Error('Missing the required parameter \'id\' when calling getProductsByIDImages')

        const pathParams = {
        const queryParams = {
            view_type: this.apiClient.buildCollectionParam(opts.viewType, 'csv'),
            all_images: opts.allImages,
            variation_attribute: opts.variationAttribute,
            locale: opts.locale
        const headerParams = {
        const formParams = {

        const authNames = ['client_id', 'customers_auth']
        const contentTypes = ['application/json', 'text/xml', 'application/xml']
        const accepts = ['application/json', 'text/xml', 'application/xml']
        const returnType = Product

        return this.apiClient.callApi(
            '/products/{id}/images', 'GET',
            pathParams, queryParams, headerParams, formParams, postBody,
            authNames, contentTypes, accepts, returnType

     * Access product image information of products that are online and assigned to site catalog. Filter the result by  view type and variation values.
     * @param {String} id The requested product id.
     * @param {Object} opts Optional parameters
     * @param {Array.<String>} opts.viewType
     * @param {Boolean} opts.allImages
     * @param {String} opts.variationAttribute
     * @param {String} opts.locale
     * @return {Promise} a {@link|Promise}, with data of type {@link module:models/Product}
    getProductsByIDImages(id, opts) {
        return this.getProductsByIDImagesWithHttpInfo(id, opts)
            .then((response_and_data) => {

     * Access product link information of products that are online and assigned to site catalog. Filter the result by  link type and link direction.
     * @param {String} id The requested product id.
     * @param {Object} opts Optional parameters
     * @param {String} opts.type
     * @param {String} opts.direction
     * @param {String} opts.locale
     * @return {Promise} a {@link|Promise}, with an object containing data of type {@link module:models/Product} and HTTP response
    getProductsByIDLinksWithHttpInfo(id, opts) {
        opts = opts || {}
        const postBody = null

        // verify the required parameter 'id' is set
        if (id === undefined || id === null) {
            throw new Error('Missing the required parameter \'id\' when calling getProductsByIDLinks')

        const pathParams = {
        const queryParams = {
            type: opts.type,
            direction: opts.direction,
            locale: opts.locale
        const headerParams = {
        const formParams = {

        const authNames = ['client_id', 'customers_auth']
        const contentTypes = ['application/json', 'text/xml', 'application/xml']
        const accepts = ['application/json', 'text/xml', 'application/xml']
        const returnType = Product

        return this.apiClient.callApi(
            '/products/{id}/links', 'GET',
            pathParams, queryParams, headerParams, formParams, postBody,
            authNames, contentTypes, accepts, returnType

     * Access product link information of products that are online and assigned to site catalog. Filter the result by  link type and link direction.
     * @param {String} id The requested product id.
     * @param {Object} opts Optional parameters
     * @param {String} opts.type
     * @param {String} opts.direction
     * @param {String} opts.locale
     * @return {Promise} a {@link|Promise}, with data of type {@link module:models/Product}
    getProductsByIDLinks(id, opts) {
        return this.getProductsByIDLinksWithHttpInfo(id, opts)
            .then((response_and_data) => {

     * Access product option information of products that are online and assigned to site catalog.
     * @param {String} id The requested product id.
     * @param {Object} opts Optional parameters
     * @param {String} opts.locale
     * @return {Promise} a {@link|Promise}, with an object containing data of type {@link module:models/Product} and HTTP response
    getProductsByIDOptionsWithHttpInfo(id, opts) {
        opts = opts || {}
        const postBody = null

        // verify the required parameter 'id' is set
        if (id === undefined || id === null) {
            throw new Error('Missing the required parameter \'id\' when calling getProductsByIDOptions')

        const pathParams = {
        const queryParams = {
            locale: opts.locale
        const headerParams = {
        const formParams = {

        const authNames = ['client_id', 'customers_auth']
        const contentTypes = ['application/json', 'text/xml', 'application/xml']
        const accepts = ['application/json', 'text/xml', 'application/xml']
        const returnType = Product

        return this.apiClient.callApi(
            '/products/{id}/options', 'GET',
            pathParams, queryParams, headerParams, formParams, postBody,
            authNames, contentTypes, accepts, returnType

     * Access product option information of products that are online and assigned to site catalog.
     * @param {String} id The requested product id.
     * @param {Object} opts Optional parameters
     * @param {String} opts.locale
     * @return {Promise} a {@link|Promise}, with data of type {@link module:models/Product}
    getProductsByIDOptions(id, opts) {
        return this.getProductsByIDOptionsWithHttpInfo(id, opts)
            .then((response_and_data) => {

     * Access product price information of products that are online and assigned to site catalog.
     * @param {String} id The requested product id.
     * @param {Object} opts Optional parameters
     * @param {String} opts.locale
     * @return {Promise} a {@link|Promise}, with an object containing data of type {@link module:models/Product} and HTTP response
    getProductsByIDPricesWithHttpInfo(id, opts) {
        opts = opts || {}
        const postBody = null

        // verify the required parameter 'id' is set
        if (id === undefined || id === null) {
            throw new Error('Missing the required parameter \'id\' when calling getProductsByIDPrices')

        const pathParams = {
        const queryParams = {
            locale: opts.locale
        const headerParams = {
        const formParams = {

        const authNames = ['client_id', 'customers_auth']
        const contentTypes = ['application/json', 'text/xml', 'application/xml']
        const accepts = ['application/json', 'text/xml', 'application/xml']
        const returnType = Product

        return this.apiClient.callApi(
            '/products/{id}/prices', 'GET',
            pathParams, queryParams, headerParams, formParams, postBody,
            authNames, contentTypes, accepts, returnType

     * Access product price information of products that are online and assigned to site catalog.
     * @param {String} id The requested product id.
     * @param {Object} opts Optional parameters
     * @param {String} opts.locale
     * @return {Promise} a {@link|Promise}, with data of type {@link module:models/Product}
    getProductsByIDPrices(id, opts) {
        return this.getProductsByIDPricesWithHttpInfo(id, opts)
            .then((response_and_data) => {

     * Access product promotion information of products that are online and assigned to site catalog.
     * @param {String} id The requested product id.
     * @param {Object} opts Optional parameters
     * @param {String} opts.currency
     * @param {String} opts.locale
     * @return {Promise} a {@link|Promise}, with an object containing data of type {@link module:models/Product} and HTTP response
    getProductsByIDPromotionsWithHttpInfo(id, opts) {
        opts = opts || {}
        const postBody = null

        // verify the required parameter 'id' is set
        if (id === undefined || id === null) {
            throw new Error('Missing the required parameter \'id\' when calling getProductsByIDPromotions')

        const pathParams = {
        const queryParams = {
            currency: opts.currency,
            locale: opts.locale
        const headerParams = {
        const formParams = {

        const authNames = ['client_id', 'customers_auth']
        const contentTypes = ['application/json', 'text/xml', 'application/xml']
        const accepts = ['application/json', 'text/xml', 'application/xml']
        const returnType = Product

        return this.apiClient.callApi(
            '/products/{id}/promotions', 'GET',
            pathParams, queryParams, headerParams, formParams, postBody,
            authNames, contentTypes, accepts, returnType

     * Access product promotion information of products that are online and assigned to site catalog.
     * @param {String} id The requested product id.
     * @param {Object} opts Optional parameters
     * @param {String} opts.currency
     * @param {String} opts.locale
     * @return {Promise} a {@link|Promise}, with data of type {@link module:models/Product}
    getProductsByIDPromotions(id, opts) {
        return this.getProductsByIDPromotionsWithHttpInfo(id, opts)
            .then((response_and_data) => {

     * Access product recommendation information of products that are online and assigned to site catalog.
     * @param {String} id The requested product id.
     * @param {Object} opts Optional parameters
     * @param {Number} opts.recommendationType
     * @param {String} opts.locale
     * @return {Promise} a {@link|Promise}, with an object containing data of type {@link module:models/Product} and HTTP response
    getProductsByIDRecommendationsWithHttpInfo(id, opts) {
        opts = opts || {}
        const postBody = null

        // verify the required parameter 'id' is set
        if (id === undefined || id === null) {
            throw new Error('Missing the required parameter \'id\' when calling getProductsByIDRecommendations')

        const pathParams = {
        const queryParams = {
            recommendation_type: opts.recommendationType,
            locale: opts.locale
        const headerParams = {
        const formParams = {

        const authNames = ['client_id', 'customers_auth']
        const contentTypes = ['application/json', 'text/xml', 'application/xml']
        const accepts = ['application/json', 'text/xml', 'application/xml']
        const returnType = Product

        return this.apiClient.callApi(
            '/products/{id}/recommendations', 'GET',
            pathParams, queryParams, headerParams, formParams, postBody,
            authNames, contentTypes, accepts, returnType

     * Access product recommendation information of products that are online and assigned to site catalog.
     * @param {String} id The requested product id.
     * @param {Object} opts Optional parameters
     * @param {Number} opts.recommendationType
     * @param {String} opts.locale
     * @return {Promise} a {@link|Promise}, with data of type {@link module:models/Product}
    getProductsByIDRecommendations(id, opts) {
        return this.getProductsByIDRecommendationsWithHttpInfo(id, opts)
            .then((response_and_data) => {

     * Access product set information of products that are online and assigned to site catalog.
     * @param {String} id The requested product id.
     * @param {Object} opts Optional parameters
     * @param {String} opts.locale
     * @return {Promise} a {@link|Promise}, with an object containing data of type {@link module:models/Product} and HTTP response
    getProductsByIDSetProductsWithHttpInfo(id, opts) {
        opts = opts || {}
        const postBody = null

        // verify the required parameter 'id' is set
        if (id === undefined || id === null) {
            throw new Error('Missing the required parameter \'id\' when calling getProductsByIDSetProducts')

        const pathParams = {
        const queryParams = {
            locale: opts.locale
        const headerParams = {
        const formParams = {

        const authNames = ['client_id', 'customers_auth']
        const contentTypes = ['application/json', 'text/xml', 'application/xml']
        const accepts = ['application/json', 'text/xml', 'application/xml']
        const returnType = Product

        return this.apiClient.callApi(
            '/products/{id}/set_products', 'GET',
            pathParams, queryParams, headerParams, formParams, postBody,
            authNames, contentTypes, accepts, returnType

     * Access product set information of products that are online and assigned to site catalog.
     * @param {String} id The requested product id.
     * @param {Object} opts Optional parameters
     * @param {String} opts.locale
     * @return {Promise} a {@link|Promise}, with data of type {@link module:models/Product}
    getProductsByIDSetProducts(id, opts) {
        return this.getProductsByIDSetProductsWithHttpInfo(id, opts)
            .then((response_and_data) => {

     * Retrieves the applicable shipping methods for a certain product.
     * @param {String} id the requested product id
     * @return {Promise} a {@link|Promise}, with an object containing data of type {@link module:models/ShippingMethodResult} and HTTP response
    getProductsByIDShippingMethodsWithHttpInfo(id) {
        const postBody = null

        // verify the required parameter 'id' is set
        if (id === undefined || id === null) {
            throw new Error('Missing the required parameter \'id\' when calling getProductsByIDShippingMethods')

        const pathParams = {
        const queryParams = {
        const headerParams = {
        const formParams = {

        const authNames = ['client_id', 'customers_auth', 'oauth2_application']
        const contentTypes = ['application/json', 'text/xml', 'application/xml']
        const accepts = ['application/json', 'text/xml', 'application/xml']
        const returnType = ShippingMethodResult

        return this.apiClient.callApi(
            '/products/{id}/shipping_methods', 'GET',
            pathParams, queryParams, headerParams, formParams, postBody,
            authNames, contentTypes, accepts, returnType

     * Retrieves the applicable shipping methods for a certain product.
     * @param {String} id the requested product id
     * @return {Promise} a {@link|Promise}, with data of type {@link module:models/ShippingMethodResult}
    getProductsByIDShippingMethods(id) {
        return this.getProductsByIDShippingMethodsWithHttpInfo(id)
            .then((response_and_data) => {

     * Access product variation information of products that are online and assigned to site catalog.
     * @param {String} id The requested product id.
     * @param {Object} opts Optional parameters
     * @param {String} opts.locale
     * @return {Promise} a {@link|Promise}, with an object containing data of type {@link module:models/Product} and HTTP response
    getProductsByIDVariationsWithHttpInfo(id, opts) {
        opts = opts || {}
        const postBody = null

        // verify the required parameter 'id' is set
        if (id === undefined || id === null) {
            throw new Error('Missing the required parameter \'id\' when calling getProductsByIDVariations')

        const pathParams = {
        const queryParams = {
            locale: opts.locale
        const headerParams = {
        const formParams = {

        const authNames = ['client_id', 'customers_auth']
        const contentTypes = ['application/json', 'text/xml', 'application/xml']
        const accepts = ['application/json', 'text/xml', 'application/xml']
        const returnType = Product

        return this.apiClient.callApi(
            '/products/{id}/variations', 'GET',
            pathParams, queryParams, headerParams, formParams, postBody,
            authNames, contentTypes, accepts, returnType

     * Access product variation information of products that are online and assigned to site catalog.
     * @param {String} id The requested product id.
     * @param {Object} opts Optional parameters
     * @param {String} opts.locale
     * @return {Promise} a {@link|Promise}, with data of type {@link module:models/Product}
    getProductsByIDVariations(id, opts) {
        return this.getProductsByIDVariationsWithHttpInfo(id, opts)
            .then((response_and_data) => {

     * @param {Array.<String>} ids
     * @param {Object} opts Optional parameters
     * @param {Array.<String>} opts.expand
     * @param {Array.<String>} opts.inventoryIds
     * @param {String} opts.currency
     * @param {String} opts.locale
     * @param {Boolean} opts.allImages
     * @return {Promise} a {@link|Promise}, with an object containing data of type {@link module:models/ProductResult} and HTTP response
    getProductsByIDsWithHttpInfo(ids, opts) {
        opts = opts || {}
        const postBody = null

        // verify the required parameter 'ids' is set
        if (ids === undefined || ids === null) {
            throw new Error('Missing the required parameter \'ids\' when calling getProductsByIDs')

        const pathParams = {
        const queryParams = {
            expand: this.apiClient.buildCollectionParam(opts.expand, 'csv'),
            inventory_ids: this.apiClient.buildCollectionParam(opts.inventoryIds, 'csv'),
            currency: opts.currency,
            locale: opts.locale,
            all_images: opts.allImages
        const headerParams = {
        const formParams = {

        const authNames = ['client_id', 'customers_auth']
        const contentTypes = ['application/json', 'text/xml', 'application/xml']
        const accepts = ['application/json', 'text/xml', 'application/xml']
        const returnType = ProductResult

        return this.apiClient.callApi(
            '/products/({ids})', 'GET',
            pathParams, queryParams, headerParams, formParams, postBody,
            authNames, contentTypes, accepts, returnType

     * @param {Array.<String>} ids
     * @param {Object} opts Optional parameters
     * @param {Array.<String>} opts.expand
     * @param {Array.<String>} opts.inventoryIds
     * @param {String} opts.currency
     * @param {String} opts.locale
     * @param {Boolean} opts.allImages
     * @return {Promise} a {@link|Promise}, with data of type {@link module:models/ProductResult}
    getProductsByIDs(ids, opts) {
        return this.getProductsByIDsWithHttpInfo(ids, opts)
            .then((response_and_data) => {
